Moscow resident Marina Malgina’s design is awesome and her logic is simple and infallible: people like food and people like sex, so why not make a condom wrapper that looks like a pizza and put it in a little pizza box? Are you seeing this pizza box? Could it BE any cuter?
That Chandler Bingism is my subtle way of introducing another ingredient in Malgina’s thought process: the television show Friends. Here’s a bit from Marina’s Behance project page:
What is sex? Fun and pleasure! What else can give us these feelings? Of course, food!
When I was creating this package, I was inspired by Joey character (F.R.I.E.N.D.S.) and his well-known problem: If you had to give up sex or food, which would you pick? Okay… sex. No, food. No, uh… I want both!
It should be pointed out that this condom likely does not taste like pizza, though I imagine pizza flavored condoms are either a thing that already exists (despite the headache that would come from all the different topping requests), or that one of you resourceful readers is going to become a prophylactic pioneer that takes my idea seed and turns it into a product beanstalk. You dick.
Also, despite the complexity of the modern condom wrapper and the alleged difficulty that many have when trying to open them, I must state that you should not, under any circumstances, take a pizza cutter to this wrapper, lest you render the dork hat contained therein useless. This has been a public service announcement… sort of.
Once again, look at that adorable condom sized pizza box.
(Source: Food and Wine)