When someone is a bully, they’re generally unhappy with themselves, so they take it out on those that are easy to pick on. Being gay in high school over 10 years ago would be a perfect scapegoat for a bully to torture a kid. We’re all stupid piles of hormones when we’re in middle school and high school, so it’s nice to see a story like this. Via The Daily Dot:
In late January, the marriage proposal of one gay Los Angeles couple went viral, partially because of its scope—a choreographed dance sequence from Step Up was performed, complete with one of the stars of Step Up 2 — but also because of its emotional heft. You could tell David Devora and Lucas Bane have something special.
One person who thought that same thing was a former classmate of Bane’s, who was also one of the guys who bullied him in high school. He sent Bane a message on Facebook after viewing the video, and a brief correspondence started between the two, in which the former bully, “B,” addressed his past mistakes and the fact that he’s changed.
The wonderful conversation on Facebook:
It doesn’t get any better than that. It’s nice to see a person go out of his way to apologize and congratulate someone they bullied when they went to school together. It makes the story of these two getting married all the sweeter. In case you missed the epic wedding proposal, you can view it below. If you’re about to propose to your significant other, it’s time to up your game.
Source: The Daily Dot