Here, one poor husband’s been tasked with having to “exterminate” a wasp’s net. But when he gets stung (around the 1:14 mark), his reaction is so intense that his wife can’t help but burst out in uncontrollable laughter. Part of me feels bad for the husband (I’ve seen my dad handle beehives on more than one occasion at our childhood home and that sh*t’s tricky), but according to him, he now looks back on the whole “heroic” situation with nothing but a good chuckle.
After a long day at work and a couple of shots of tequila, my wife mentioned there were wasp nests under the eaves of the back door and I needed to buy something to get rid of them. I said you could just knock them down with a stick, upon which she said “sure, show me”. Well then I had to show her how simple it was. She of course grabbed the camera to capture my heroic effort LOL. Watching it back it made us laugh hope it does you too.