Giggity: “World’s First Intubation Robot”

Helloooo, Nurse.

Dr. Thomas M. Hemmerling and colleagues at a McGill University created the world’s first anesthesia robot back in 2008, which was nicknamed (I kid you not) McSleepy™.  After developing a robot to knock people unconscious it only stands to reason that your next step is to draw a penis on their forehead and take pictures make a robot that rams cylindrical objects down their throat.  Giggity.

The Kepler Intubation System (KIS) is the world’s first intubation robot, because who better to install an endotracheal tube in a helpless, anesthetized human than a soulless machine controlled via a joystick? Montreal General Hospital must agree, because earlier this month they let Dr. Hemmerling perform the first robotic intubation with a patient there.  Also, there’s this sentence in the press release which I’m just going to cut and paste here for posterity:

Correct insertion of this tube into patients’ airways is a complex manoeuvre that requires considerable experience and practice to master. [McGill University via Medgadget]

That’s what she said.

And here’s a closer look at this machine’s biggest fan:

[Tube bear via BioTV]