A smith machine is a piece of weight training equipment found at most gyms, commonly used for the purpose of weighted squats. And then there’s whatever the girl in this video is using it for. No one knows exactly what’s she’s doing, but it got one gym bros so confused that he posted it on Snapchat and it was subsequently uploaded to Worldstar Hip Hop’s Facebook page, where it has acquired over 10 million views, because, what is she doing?
While some may laugh at the poor girl, many commenters on the page direct their ire at the homeboy who captured the scene, for ridiculing her instead of helping, and contributing to people overall having to feel self-conscious at the gym. One man wrote, “Believe it or not some people don’t know what they doing on the gym, why not help them out instead of videotaping it,” while others criticized the guy’s, uh, physique.
“Booooooooy the question is what are u doing on the phone when u got arms looking like a soccer mom” wrote one commenter, while another wrote, “idk but by the look of it the guy recording this has the muscle tone of a 13-year-old teen. lmao biceps got lost during birth.”
But if there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s the sentiment of the top comment, which has garnered over 12,000 “likes” at the time of this writing:
All we can say is, you go girl!
(Via BroBible)