Listen up, fellas. Fake pregnancy tests exist, and this video proves that there is never a use for them beyond pure evil. This lady decided it would be fantastic to prank her boyfriend with one. She couldn’t have been more wrong. For one thing, any pregnancy-related lie is inherently worse than any other type of lie. For another, this boyfriend is a very accomplished prankster in his own right.
The couple is well-versed in pranking each other. Their worst exploit (until now) involved the girlfriend playing a fake bj prank on the boyfriend (he ended up with a wax job instead). Don’t ask me why these two lovebirds are still together. Misery loves more misery, I guess.
The girlfriend placed a hidden camera to kick off the cruelest of pranks: “I got a fake positive pregnancy test and fake ultrasound picture. Let’s prank Erik that I’m pregnant.” Luckily, Erik learned his lesson with the butt-waxing incident. He may be stupid enough to have stayed in this relationship, but he won’t be pranked again.
Armed with the fake pregnancy test and an even faker ultrasound photo, the girlfriend drops her fake news. Before it’s all over, Erik accuses her of cheating on him. He proves his point by insisting he’s sterile. Girlfriend’s reaction is pretty classic.
Don’t worry, Erik’s swimmers are fine. He knew the drill all along.
This relationship must be so exhausting.
(Via Brobible)