What a time to be alive! Not only are we all blessed to exist in an age where a pizza can come to your door without your having to communicate with anyone, now Gmail is making life even easier with the new ‘unsend’ function. Accidentally sent your mom a dick pic instead of that family photo she’s been asking for? Don’t worry about it, your embarrassment is all in the past.
According to Mashable, ‘undo send’ has been available in Gmail since 2009 as a beta feature. For all of you going “huh?” out there, don’t worry — I’m in the same boat. While many are already using the function (not coming to mobile yet, but soon!), the fact that it’s becoming an official part of Gmail means that you’re going to get more control and more features.
What kind of features, you ask? Well, the beta version of the add-on only allowed you to hold emails for five seconds after sending while you decided whether you really wanted to send that swear-ridden missive about your grade to your awful professor from last semester. Now, you can set Gmail to hold your email for up to 30 seconds.
And that, friend, is exactly why you should have that extra drink this weekend. Just make sure to turn the feature on before you down the first tequila shot.
(Via Mashable)