Los Pollos Loco! Here's A Supercut of 'Breaking Bad’s' Gus Fring With Big Bird On 'Sesame Street'

Wow, I’d absolutely no idea that Giancarlo Esposito, aka Breaking Bad‘s Gus Fring, was once a regular on Sesame Street named “Mickey,” but I’m tickled as hell to find out that he once was.

“When you have little chicks, Big Bird, you always have family. They will always be your priority, your responsibility. And a bird, a bird provides. And a bird does it even when he’s not appreciated or respected or even loved. He simply bears up and he does it. Because he’s a bird.”

Stay the hell away from Los Pollos Hermanos, Big Bird!!!

Additionally, here’s an interview I found digging around on YouTube last night with the Moncada brothers from season three of Breaking Bad. Enjoy…

(HT: Laughing Squid)