Man, sometimes I think Halloween decorations are getting out of hand — Halloween’s supposed be about the candy man. Seems like too many people are out to turn Halloween into a second orange-and-black themed Christmas. All that said, elaborate Halloween decorations are okay by me if we’re talking about life-sized dinosaurs made out of jack-o-laterns.
The Great Jack-O-Lantern Blaze in the New York area is all about pushing what can be done with the humble pumpkin, and for the last couple years the event has showcased these massive creations…
Damn! Whatever happened to squares for eyes, a triangle for a nose and some pointy teeth? My childhood jack-o-lanterns would be laughed off the porch today.
Hey, by the way, looking for something a bit darker to read this Halloweeny season? How about my latest collection of creepy urban legends that actually happened to some very unfortunate people? Uh…boo!
via Geekologie