Jayne Harris, a paranormal investigator who has been investigating haunted puppets and dolls for nearly two decades, claims this is footage of a puppet that allegedly attempted to murder its prior owner moving around on its own. The puppet previously belonged to a man named John (who is not revealing his full name) who had inherited it from his father after he passed away. He claims that soon after acquiring the puppet, he woke up one night with the feeling of hands choking his neck, while the puppet sat nearby on a drawer by his bed.
After that, the John gave the puppet to Harris, who had been performing experiments on it before obtaining the footage. In it, you can see the puppet’s operating cross move from inside a supposedly sealed and blessed cabinet in the middle of the night.
Harris spoke to The Daily Mail — always a good indication of the accuracy of a story — about the haunted puppet:
“A medium said the spirit attached to the dolls is an old man who is mocking us as he can pass in and out of our sealed box,” she said. “The container is only a physical thing so in theory something that’s not of the physical world could pass in and out.”
“Since obtaining him there have been strange bumps and knocking sounds, but nothing we could definitively say was the puppet until this video.”
So is it real? Fake? Obviously we all know ghosts don’t really exist, right? So is it wrong that maybe I just got slightly creeped out watching the video? PUPPETS, man. You can’t blame me. They’re right up there with clowns as far as terrifying abominations go. Click here for photos of the thing and tell me you don’t agree.
(Via The Daily Mail)