Here Are Four Baby Pandas Playing On A Slide To Brighten Your Day

Here’s the thing about a national holiday like the 4th of July being on a Wednesday — it really messes with everyone’s heads in regards to work on Thursday and Friday. Like, it feels like we’re all working on a Saturday today, doesn’t it? And tomorrow it’ll feel like we’re working on a Sunday. Similarly, Monday and Tuesday felt like Thursday and Friday.

Then around lunchtime today you’ll start getting texts from friends who aren’t working — and there are plenty of them — and they’ll be all, “Hey let’s go drink pina coladas all afternoon on a boat…WOOHOO!” and then you’re just f*cking pissed, pissed at your employer for making you work and also pissed at your friends in the “DON’T YOU REALIZE SOME PEOPLE HAVE TO WORK TODAY?!” sort of way.

Anyway, to help you get over that inevitable rage, here’s a video, via the Daily What, of four pandas playing on a slide. You’re welcome.

(HT: The Daily What. GIF via)