Here Come Another Two “Marvel Vs. Capcom” Challengers

Capcom keeps rolling out the new challengers, and they keep being a mix of unsurprising and “Wow, they dug THAT guy out of the vaults?”
The latest two to be revealed are Akuma, who you might remember as the incredibly annoying boss from several Street Fighter games, and Taskmaster, Deadpool’s sidekick and occasional punching bag for the Avengers. What’s interesting is they’re using his ’70s costume, which always looked kind of ridiculous, and letting him swear, which seems even more ridiculous coming from the dude dressed like the Misfits’ mascot.
Videos of the two in action on the next slide. Ignore the age requests, IGN apparently feels the need to collect advertising data even from their embeds.
[ via the heroes at Kotaku ]