Adventure Time is something of a dark horse candidate for “one of the best shows on TV.” On paper, it’s a wacky cartoon about a boy and his rubbery dog, but it’s not afraid to bring the heartbreak, repeatedly. Part of that is thanks to Pendleton Ward’s off-kilter sensibility, which is on full display in Adventure Time: The Original Cartoon Title Cards.
It’s from Titan, with the usual gorgeous sensibility, but what’s most fascinating about the book is how packed it is with detail about the thought process of the show. Ward and Nick Jennings, the show’s art director, talk about how they approach the show and its handpainted title cards as each one goes from rough sketch to completed painting. It’s a little surprising what inspires these, which ranges from theatrical staging to comics to B-movies. And, of course, there’s the visual evolution. Like, for example, this title card for the episode Death In Bloom:
If you’re looking for more, the book is out next week, courtesy of Titan.