Here’s What War Machine And Iron Man Will Look Like In ‘Iron Man 3’

Somebody over at Sideshow is getting fired, possibly out of a cannon into a dumpster of starved badgers, but their loss/horrifying fate is our gain. Here’s the first, and very detailed, look at the armor from Iron Man 3.
How do we know this is accurate? Well, these are shots of official merchandise from Hot Toys, who tend to be very fussy and precise with their sculpts.
This is also, surprisingly, the first genuinely detailed look we’ve gotten at the characters. Remember, the first trailer was mostly about how Tony Stark hits rock bottom, and we only see the armor in passing (or pieces):

So, this is the first real closeup we’ve gotten of the Mark XLII (or 42, so presumably this is the one built using the Grand Unified Theory of Life, The Universe, and Everything) and the new War Machine. Which, interestingly enough, looks a lot like the Coldblood armor we’ve seen behind the scenes, just with a patriotic paintjob.
But enough blather! Here are the photos…
For a little contrast, here’s the War Machine armor from the second film. The third film sees some pretty major upgrades, apparently…