Here’s Your Most Recent Reminder To Not Feed The Bears At The Zoo

Stephen Colbert and countless others have warned us about the dangers of bears. They’re wild animals and should be respected, even when they’re behind bars (even though a zoo probably isn’t a very respectful place). A nine-year-old boy in Central China found this out the hard way after attempting to feed a bear at a local zoo and losing his arm in the process. From The Guardian:

Media reports said the attack happened on Saturday afternoon at a zoo in Pingdingshan Hebin park in Henan province.

A doctor at the Pingdingshan Number 152 hospital said the boy lost his entire right arm, which had to be amputated.

That’s all for bear related news this weekend. A black bear in Northern California was discovered eating the corpse of Marion Lee Williams, who had died from a heart attack. From The LA Times:

The bear probably came across Williams, who had collapsed and died of a heart attack, then dragged his body into a cave to eat.

Investigators used Williams’ fingerprints, dentures and pieces of clothing to identify him.

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife considered searching for the bear to potentially euthanize it, spokesman Andrew Hughan said. But the bear was long gone.

“The bear does not pose a public threat,” Hughan said. “It was just doing what bears do.”

Williams lived alone and “off the grid” in a trailer in the community of Briceland, six miles west of Redway, authorities said.

And who’s to say that this bear wasn’t secretly providing Williams with a diet high in sodium and saturated fat? Maybe sprinkling a little MSG into his soup. I don’t trust them. How long until we find out the threat of Bear Terminators is a real thing?

(Via The Guardian / LA Times)