Hey Nerds, Time To Get Hard Over The Hard Sci-fi Of ‘Europa Report’

Are you tired of “sci-fi” movies that are basically just action flicks with lasers and spacecraft instead of bullets and cars? Looking for something, I dunno, a little harder? Don’t be ashamed, a lot of us nerds are. Well, it looks like the upcoming Europa Report may satisfy your hard sci-fi yearnings.

The movie, about a manned mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa looks to take a fairly grounded, realistic approach to space travel. Well, until the astronauts encounter some kind of alien monsters under Europa’s ice, at which case I’m betting realism probably gives way to a lot of screaming, running and dying.

Hit the jump for the first full-length trailer for Europa Report

Hopefully Europa Report is more 2001: A Space Odyssey and not so much Mission to Mars, but either way, I’m intrigued.

via io9