“How to Defeat Your Own Clone” To Become A Movie?

Dimension Films clearly didn’t learn from, well, pretty much every single movie involving clones (seriously, has there ever been a movie about clones that was a hit?) and is optioning “How to Defeat Your Own Clone”, a novel about how we cloned ourselves, enslaved the clones, and discovered that human beings tend to rebel if enslaved.

Now for the unfortunate part: it stars Jesse Eisenberg, you know, the guy you get when you can’t get Michael Cera. It’s also supposed to be a comedy, so, we’re just going to make the following three assumptions:

  • Eisenberg’s clone will pin him and slap him while saying “Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself.”
  • Weird Al’s “I Think I’m a Clone Now” will feature in at least one scene. Possibly the opening montage.
  • The “real” Eisenberg will also be a clone.

We’ll see how accurate our predictions were late next year.

[ via the donor cells at Latino Review ]