Watch This Adorable Husky Howl For Days As It Throws A Fit In A Bathtub

Animals are so adorable. There isn’t even a debate to be had here, they just are. Baby animals, adult animals, misbehaving animals, all of them. The latest example of an animal being simply the best is this husky named Zeus, who wants nothing more than for his owner to give him a bath. It’s a simple request! To hell with the walk he is supposed to be taking, this dog wants a bath, and to really drive that point home, he has decided to lay in the tub and whine forever and ever until he gets exactly what he wants. To be honest, this dog is pretty much living out every animal and adults’ dream in the best way.

If you think about, this pup really has nothing to lose. It’s not like his owners are going to get rid of him for being an adorable brat (and now going viral on the internet) and he will still get his walk eventually. But right now, in this very moment, he really wants a bath, and by golly, he will get it one way or another. It also doesn’t hurt that Zeus is way too cute to ever be mad at whether he is being whiney or perfectly well behaved. Some credit should be given to Zeus for also knowing where the water comes from and what he has to do to get some to play with. He has a goal, and he is going to stick with his chosen method to achieve that goal for as long as it takes. Goodness, animals are so adorable.