So hey, if you’re a regular reader of this blog I’m betting you’re a Star Trek fan, but are you a Trekkie right down to the atomic level? Well, apparently they are over at IBM!
Since they’re no longer busy selling computer or anything, IBM has started putting together little animated scenes using individual atoms. Yes, individual atoms. One of these animations happens to be a nice nod to Trek fans. Hit the jump to check it out…
Yup, we’re now manipulating the very atomic fabric of the universe to make animated GIFs. Welcome to life in 2013.
The guys at IBM have also made a more elaborate short cartoon called “A Boy and His Atom” using individual atoms. Check it out…
To put this all in perspective — that Star Trek logo? Around one nanometer tall. To get it to the size you see it, it had to be blown up around 100 million times. Yeah.
via Technabob