A Graphic Sexual Hazing Video Just Got An Indiana University Fraternity Suspended


Late Wednesday evening, a video surfaced that showed a few hundred shirtless Alpha Tau Omega fraternity members in the midst of a hazing ritual. The clip, which briefly surfaced on Reddit before being pulled for obvious reasons, showed a throng of brothers cheering on a pledge as he gave oral sex to a nude woman.

The incident took place at Indiana University, and the actions depicted in the video leave a big question mark in the area of consent. At the beginning of the clip (which continues to circulate on social media), a fraternity member beats on the pledge’s back. After several seconds, the pledge tries to pull away, but the woman appears to hold him in place with her legs (while another woman, who is also nude, kicks him).

The shocking footage reopens the ongoing discussion of hazing rituals by fraternities and sororities. Indiana University promises they are taking the matter “very seriously.” These tweets are only the beginning of the swift action they’ve taken against the fraternity.

Mark Land, the university’s Associate Vice President of Public Affairs, confirms that ATO has been suspended pending an investigation that “relates to alleged hazing that perpetuates sexual misconduct.” ATO has been barred from “hosting or attending social events, sponsoring new members and taking part of activities with other fraternities and sororities.”

As the story broke, Twitter uttered disgusted reactions to this hazing video.


(Via Fox59)