Infinite Drunk Ron Swanson Is Here To Help

So you’ve caught up on all your required UPROXX reading, beefed up on what you need to know about being against SOPA, and you’re looking for the internet to get you through the remaining hours of your work day, only half the web has gone dark. Where could you possibly go? What could you possibly do? Oh, uh, hold on, wait a second it’s…INFINITE DRUNK RON SWANSON TO THE RESCUE!

Just click and take in the magnificence (Hint: You may want to crank the volume down a notch). From there you can challenge coworkers to see who can last longer (at watching Infinite Swanson, what did you think I meant?) or repeatedly try to beat your own time. I had to stop after the made up conversation in my mind between the two guys to the right started getting super dark.

Via HuffPost Comedy