Introduce Yourselves To This 30-Year-Old Woman Who Woke Up Believing She Was A 15-Year-Old Girl

Woman waking up terrified.

What would you do if you had your 15th year to do over again? And what would you do if you had to do it in your current body? Naomi Jacobs, a British woman in her thirties went to bed one night in 2008 and woke up believing she was 15. She still knew how to drive and get into her bank account, but phones and other new technology baffled her because her most recent memory was of 1992.

According to The Science of Us, what Jacobs experienced was dissociative amnesia, a psychological condition that blocks out certain memories and can be brought on by stress. The label is helpful, but giving the experience a name doesn’t make it any less terrifying.

She didn’t recognize her home or her son, and even her own voice sounded unfamiliar to her, much lower than she thought it should be.  The 2008 technology throughout her house, including her smartphone and TV, looked to her like something out of a sci-fi movie.

Jacobs has written a book about her ordeal, which fortunately ended, and spoke to The BBC about what the six weeks she spent believing she was in the future were like and it doesn’t sound pleasant. I don’t know what you’d do if you woke up believing you were 15 again, but I’d spend the entire six weeks marveling at the fact that signing on to the internet no longer requires AOL or those awful modem sounds that would wake up my parents when I’d try to sneak on at night. But I’d also terrified. You?

(Via Jezebel)

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