Jean-Luc Picard Is Sick Of Your Crap

In light of our tribute to Worf constantly getting his ass kicked yesterday, we thought about what would happen if the Captain of the Enterprise, everybody’s favorite Frenchman, Jean-Luc Picard, would say if he finally snapped.
Because, let’s face it, he’s got a horndog first officer, a sometimes drippy ship’s counselor, an overly literal android, an overly earnest engineer, an annoying little snot with a mom he can’t bring himself to resolve the UST with, and Whoopi Goldberg in the ship’s bar. His losing it is really only a matter of time, and it probably won’t stop with his crew.
So we decided to use Photoshop as a what-if machine to see what happens when Jean-Luc snaps. And if you think you’re funnier than us, prove it in the comments: we’ve included blanks for every one of these at the end of the slideshow.
Fair warning: lots of rude gestures, profanity, and obscure nerd jokes follow.

All Star Trek images courtesy Paramount
Farscape images courtesy ADV
Firefly images courtesy Fox
Battlestar Galactica image courtesy SyFy
All other images courtesy Flickr