Justin Bieber and Kourtney Kardashian might be banging. Then again, Justin Bieber and Kourtney Kardashian might not be banging. But either way, the above photo is not evidence of the former. Over the weekend, the pint-sized eldest sister of the Kardashian brood set gossip sites afire after partying until 4 a.m. at the hotel Bieber is staying at.
Then on Sunday, Bieber fueled those rumors by posting the above photo to Instagram of himself looking intimate with an obscured female, with the caption “Lord knows” — Lord being the self-appointed nickname of Scott Disick, Kardashian’s ex and father of her three children — leading many to speculate that the photo was intended to taunt Disick. (Although at least one person thought that it was perhaps the singer “Lorde,” and that Bieber had just misspelled her name, which also sounds plausible.)
However, TMZ obtained another angle of the mystery woman taken by a paparazzi and it’s definitely not Kardashian, just a random pretty blonde model, typical of Bieber. So, whether or not there’s something going on between Justin Bieber and Kourtney Kardashian, this photo is sadly not evidence. Although to be honest, Justin Bieber having sex with a Kardashian (or Jenner) would not be the most surprising thing the world has ever heard.
A few months back, Bieber posted the following photo of the two of them out to dinner, so draw your own assumptions: