In case you missed it during his The Late, Late Show appearance while taking over the monologue from James Corden on Thursday, Justin Bieber just debuted a brand-new tattoo on Instagram. This time the “What Do You Mean?” singer had a pair of wings — ostensibly angel wings — inked onto the back of his neck, suggesting that while our little Biebs may now be older and wiser, he still thinks pretty highly of himself… which I guess we can forgive since he’s also making legitimately good music now.
Of course, this is just another addition to Bieber’s already very impressive collection of ink:
Bieber has more than 50 tattoos to date, including one of Jesus Christ, a giant cross, and one that reads “Purpose” (aka his fourth studio album’s name) arched over his belly button.
That’s a lot of tattoos for a 21-year-old to have. And that raises this hypothetical question: If someone has more than 50 tattoos by the time they’re 21, how many will they regret by the time they’re 30? As someone sporting my own mortifying pre-21 ink, I’m gonna put the over-under at about half of them.
Here’s another shot of Bieber’s new wing tattoos, compliments of his Instagram account:
(Via US Weekly)