Letterman Wants To Join In On The Occupy Wall Street Protests

Last night David Letterman had lefty blowhard Keith Olbermann on his show — a person I generally have a low tolerance for but one who’s usually quite endearing when he’s a guest on the Late Show — and the two talked a bit about the Occupy Wall Street movement. In the course of the discussion, Letterman revealed something interesting: that he’d genuinely love to be a protester himself, but that he’s afraid being rich and famous wouldn’t make him very welcome.

“I love these people causin’ trouble. Increasingly, this is the way we get change in this country,” Letterman said. “Some of the great cultural, social movements of the last 60, 70 years have begun as protests…the same with civil rights and women’s rights [movements]…but I know I would be beaten. They don’t like the idea that famous people with dough are sucking up to them.”

Aside from the part about being beaten, this — that he’d face some occasional hostility because he’s rich and famous — might be true, but it seems to me that the OWS folk would be foolish to turn down such a participant, as it’d go a long way toward breaking the stereotype some (Fox News…cough, cough) have placed on them: that they’re all a bunch of freeloaders just looking for handouts. But what the hell do I know?
