50 Cent Explains How To Stop Masturbating, In Four Simple Steps |UPROXX|
Nancy Grace Has Mastered Twitter |Warming Glow|
Today in Armond White: Why Crystal Skull is better than Raiders of the Lost Ark |Film Drunk|
Sports On TV: The Three Stooges’ 15 Greatest Sports Moments |With Leather|
Does Kreayshawn’s Failed Album Signify The Gimmick Rapper Bubble Bursting? |Smoking Section|
Of Course Hochuli Celebrated Going Back To Work With Pushups |Kissing Suzy Kolber|
Witness ‘Star Wars’ Throughout History In ‘If Star Wars Were Real’ |Gamma Squad|
The 25 Douchiest Bars In Boston |Complex|
Paper-Cut Action Silhouettes |High Definite|
15 Famous People With The Highest IQs |Unreality|
Photoshop’s New Chinese Food Tool |College Humor|
TV shows and movies if they were re-shot today |Pajiba|
The Weird Nicknames of 8 Spy Agency Headquarters |Mental Floss|
Azealia Banks Is Single-Handedly Making Cowboy Hats Cool Again |Buzzfeed|
Jerry Jones Negotiates with Taco on ‘The League,’ and It Is Predictably Absurd |Brobible|
So Charles Manson sent Marilyn Manson a letter. And, as you may have expected, it’s a weird one |Fark|
VIDEO BELOW: Maggie the Miniature Schnauzer can’t withstand the weight of her life jacket. |via DP&F|
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