Watch This Little Girl’s First Roller Coaster Experience Go From Happy To Terrifying Real Quick

It’s highly probable that this little girl’s first experience on a roller coaster was not inherent solely to her. We’ve all been there — your anticipation mounts as you wind through the coaster’s long wait lines; the butterflies in your stomach become bats as you mount the cart; you rip past the first turn, your food rockets to your throat on the initial dip, and you wonder what the hell you were thinking. Fortunately, we don’t have our reactions plastered all over YouTube for the world to enjoy; that’s not the case for this young lady.

I had a similar experience when I first rode on one of Canada Wonderland’s wooden coasters. The thrill of speeding through the twists and turns was intoxicating enough to make me a life-long roller coaster fanatic, and I’ve gotten to enjoy thrill rides in parks like Six Flags, Disney World, Universal Studios, Hershey Park, and Busch Gardens. My fear was shattered the minute I realized I had found a wonderful new activity. It remains to be seen if this poor little girl will ever mount another roller coaster again, but if her frightened reaction is any indication, that answer would be, “No.”

What was your first-ever roller coaster experience like?

(Via MTV)