The Worst Girlfriend In The World Pranked Her Boyfriend With Maggots In His Chipotle

The internet contains no shortage of prank-filled relationships, and one couple has joined the forces in a disgusting way. This girlfriend caught her man completely off guard by bringing home a Chipotle salad. Best girlfriend ever, right? Not a chance.

This woman did the unthinkable and sprinkled in some live maggots, which she buried under a bed of lettuce. The thrilled boyfriend quickly dug into his overpriced, all-natural bowl of goodness. After a few bites, he spotted the crawly critters and puked up his guts in the bathroom.

Worst girlfriend ever? The guy may have had it coming. In the below video, you’ll see how he planted hissing cockroaches in his lady’s shower towel, which nearly caused her to sprint naked from their lovenest. These maggots were pure retaliation. Did she go too far? Perhaps, but only because he didn’t hide cockroaches in her underwear. There’s always next time.

(Via BroBible)