Denver cosmetologist Jan Bonito is making a name for himself on the Internet by whipping up some uncanny resemblances. In this Instagram video, he outdoes himself by transforming into Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, who probably won’t enjoy the attention, especially after fielding a porn offer. All the same, Davis should be flattered because Bonito’s makeup job is incredible, although his willingness to go all the way is both questionable and commendable. With the wig, especially, Benito goes more Davis than Davis, and tearing up that paper at the end is the perfect touch.
One would presume that Bonito is testing the grounds for a timely Halloween costume, but that probably isn’t the case. He regularly posts video evidence of his makeup adventures, and his talent is undeniable. This Snoop Dogg job looks so real that it’s hard to not see The Doggfather staring back.
In previous makeup-coated lives, Bonito has done Rachel Dolezal for kicks.
This American Horror Story-inspired take on Twisty the Clown is terrifying.
Bonito also went in for some idol worship by pulling a Ruby Rose makeup and hair job. This attempt isn’t as successful as the rest, but there’s no fury fueling the recreation.