As someone who’s ingested much too many ounces of booze and handfuls of pills in his past life, I can tell you that regrets go hand in hand with substance abuse. Even if you’re not the type to abuse a substance, chances are that just one night with the bottle will have you waking up next to your neighbor. In this scenario, your neighbor is a guy. You’re a guy — a guy who’s not gay. Weird stuff happened, and now you have to live with it. My point is, never trust a substance — no matter how tame it may be — to have your best interests in mind.
One man, whose exploits have become the stuff of viral sensationalism, has learned this lesson the hard way. The man’s friend posted a receipt on Reddit for the online purchase of a yak — yes, the beloved animal you see up top — and the image has since gone viral. According to the image, the purchase was for a Golden Tibetan Yak; it was purchased at 1:57 a.m. for a grand total of $3,075.99.
AOL has picked up on the story, and the original post has garnered over 1 million views. Some commenters stated that the man, who was allegedly on sleeping pills at the time, likely wouldn’t have gotten charged as his credit card company would have flagged the purchase. In other words… FAKE! (An update on the Yak-man says he canceled the order before it was shipped anyway.)
But, we don’t need to wonder about the validity of this story, folks. Just like some tales in The Bible, not everything is meant to be taken literally. Learn your lesson from this sleepy, yak-buying fellow. Don’t take pills and buy stuff online. Take pills, no doubt, but buy stuff later, when the pills wear off. Unless your taking the little blue pill. Then, buy yourself some company.
(The author is no way condones drug usage, the purchasing of prostitutes, or any combination of the aforementioned.)
(via AJC)