Meet The Very Determined Man Who’s Been Arrested For Having Sex With A Horse For A Third Time (And Has An Excellent Explanation)

What’s that saying about getting back on the horse if you don’t succeed? One man, Cirilo Castillo of Texashas taken that suggestion a little too literally. Police have just arrested Castillo after finding him in a barn in February, and they’re pretty sure he was there to have sex with a horse.

How can the police be so sure, you ask? Well, The Daily Mail reports that Castillo’s been arrested for horse-loving before, he’s been warned to stay away from the barn he was found in specifically for trying to have sex with a horse, and he was found with a broken leg, suggesting he was kicked by the horse he was trying to have sex with. But Castillo says it’s all a big misunderstanding. He wasn’t trying to sex the horse, he told authorities, he’d simply been struck by a car and was looking for shelter in a forbidden barn that just happened to house a horse he’d tried to make love to in the past. Sounds plausible.

Unfortunately, Castillo’s got a history of bad behavior against him:

In June 2013 he tied up a horse named Nadia and performed sexual acts on her. He received five years probation on the offense of cruelty to animals. 

After the horse’s owner noticed that he repeatedly sought the same animal, a surveillance camera was put into the horse’s corral. 

‘We have a hell of a surveillance tape,’ Trevino told the Chronicle. ‘It is not going to go to, America’s Funniest Videos, that is for sure.’

In 2012, he served 270 days in jail for public lewdness for an incident that also included a horse.

Castillo faces up to 18 months in prison for his offenses. His bail, which will probably not be paid by concerned citizens, is set at $1,000.

(Via The Daily Mail)