If someone offered you eight million dollars (insert Dr. Evil laugh here) for 15 years of exclusive access to your life, would you do it? That’s the question Rola Misaki, a 22-year-old porn star, is grappling with after an anonymous businessman (in a mask, no less) offered her that sum of money for undisclosed services.
According to Bro Bible, the indecent proposal occurred when both Misaki and the businessman were at an event together in Beijing. No one knows why the man was masked, but Bro Bible has some ideas as well as some financial advice for Misaki:
The likely answer is because he’s f*cking ugly and $8,000,000 is the absolute least anyone would accept if they actually saw his face. Maybe that is also why he is willing to lock in for 15 years. Who knows? But for Misaki’s sake, if this money is taxed, she better make sure there are bonuses tied into this to account for inflation. Unless, of course, she is taking the lump sum from this jackpot upfront. That’s just smart business.
Here’s a photo of Misaki:
Pokoknya Rola Takizawa, Rola Misaki, Laura Mizusaki ini bisa bikin Kangen sama bintang JAV itu jadi nyata :( pic.twitter.com/pAMYk8F4YM
— Akunjav (@akunjav) August 23, 2014
Misaki, who’s half-Japenese and half-Russian, is a popular star in China and her fans, according to Metro, are sad to see her possibly disappear from the spotlight.
‘Nooo! She can’t leave us like this,’ said GuangY, one of her 4.8million followers on Sina Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter.
Mai86 added: ‘She’s one of the best, a natural. I can’t believe she’s gone off with this man.’
No news on whether she’s accepted yet. Would you?