Meme Watch: Newsweek's Michele Bachmann Cover

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that this week hasn’t gotten off to the best of starts for the Republican party’s current plucky, Jesus-freak it-girl, Michele Bachmann. First, the editors at Newsweek chose a photo that accentuates her already-crazy eyes to epic proportions to run on the magazine’s cover (shown above) this week. Then the New Yorker came out with a devastating 9,000 word profile that paints Bachmann as loony to the core, which she is of course. Then news broke that she attended a church service yesterday with her possibly gay husband that featured an anti-homosexuality sermon centered around the testimony of an “ex-gay” man who claims to have been cured of gayness through prayer. Yes, the heat in the presidential candidate’s kitchen is quite hot right now.
But that’s not the end of it!
Now internet photoshop geeks are going nuts doing all sort of dastardly and hilarious things to her Newsweek cover, and all of us are better off for it, because of course we are. Here are a few of my favorites, carefully selected to make you LOL on a summer Monday — a time when we all could use a good laff.

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Alternative headline #1
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Muppets with Michele Bachmann’s eyes.
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A great play on that hilarious Watch The Throne poster incorporating a pic of Sarah Palin into it.
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Alternative headline #2
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The eyes have it.
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A play on the newly released Watch The Throne artwork.
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Alternative headline #3
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Michele Bachmann gets the Odd Future treatment.
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Michele Bachmann with Hillary Clinton’s eyes.
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Alternative headline #4.
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No, not at all, Mediaite. Not at all.
This wouldn’t be complete without an internet cat.
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