Mia Khalifa Showed What She Looks Like Before And After Her ‘Porn Magic’ Makeup


“Future Whataburger franchise owner” Mia Khalfia, who’s given a new meaning to Florida or Ohio, is having a busy day on set. She’s been tweeting and taking photos, including what she does between takes — reading The 48 Laws of Power, which Wikipedia tells me is popular with prison inmates, celebrities, and apparently adult film stars — and how she looks before and after her “#pornmagic” makeup. It’s not THAT striking of a difference, although unlike every acne commercial ever, the “before” is preferable to the “after.”

Meanwhile, here’s a song about her called “Mia Khalifa.” (If she films a golden shower movie, she should change her name to Whizz Khalifa. *dodges tomato in the shape of a penis*)
