New Gotham City Imposters Trailer Shows Off Rapid-Fire Bullets & Bleeps

If there’s one thing that DC won’t be authorizing anytime soon, it’s a first-person-shooter where Batman shoots the Joker in the face…despite how awesome that would be. Luckily the upcoming game Gotham City Imposters gives us the next best thing: gangs of insane civilians dressed like Batman and The Joker blasting away at each other throughout Gotham.

The game’s developer, Monolith Productions, has released a new CGI trailer which presumably shows the start of the game… and also how horrible it must be to live in a city where people just start gunning each other down the moment the batsignal goes off.

It’s also worth noting that the character designs have changed a bit from the gameplay trailer released in June. If the new trailer is the final version, then it looks like Megan, the Joker girl, has lost her skirt and will just be killing people in her panties. Which is just one more reason to play the game.

Check out the new trailer (and the old one for comparison) after the jump!




And here’s the earlier gameplay trailer:





[Rock, Paper Shotguns]