I’m sick of writing about this movie already and it’s Friday, so let’s just sum it up like this: “Explosions and boobs. Be there.” Opens March 25th. Or perhaps ThePlaylist summed it up better with, “the medieval Spice Girls movie”.
At the right is a new, retro character poster for Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch, and there are four more after the jump along with a new trailer, which is more of a music video than a trailer. The song is “Panic Switch” by Silversun Pickups, and the video confirms my apprehensions that this may be a movie made up entirely of awesome things but the camera cuts away from them too quickly to process or enjoy any of it. Thanks for nothing, MTV.
If the trailer above isn’t loading, it’s also available at YouTube.
[Trailer via ThePlaylist, posters via Affenheimtheater]