Whenever we talk about love, we often use metaphorical language to illustrate its positive and negative characteristics. One of my favorite examples of this is the phrase “love breaks down boundaries,” especially for the destructive image it suggests. I also like it because it’s totally appropriate for what happened during this marriage proposal in Amsterdam.
According to the National Post, the amorous groom-to-be decided to use a crane in his quest to woo his girlfriend into matrimony:
The unidentified lover in the central town of Ijsselstein rented a crane, planning to descend in front of his girlfriend’s bedroom window first thing Saturday morning, play her a song and then pop the question. Instead the crane toppled over, smashing a large hole in the neighbors’ roof.
Nobody was hurt, despite the fact that this guy tried to romanticize voyeurism. His girlfriend even shrugged off the blatant destruction of property and said yes. As a further sign of their fated affair, the pair hightailed it for Paris to celebrate after briefly speaking with the authorities. Meanwhile, sh*t got real in Amsterdam:
Then the crane fell again during attempts to right it with a larger crane, bashing in the rest of the neighbors’ roof. The town’s mayor is on the spot after the building was declared unsafe. Six apartments were evacuated.
Love totally isn’t dead. Instead, it’s being bludgeoned into submission by construction equipment and romantic getaways (from the authorities). Maybe Miley was ahead of her time.
(Source: National Post)