You don’t have to wait very long for this video to become terrifying. At the 0:05 mark, a Brazilian fisherman tosses some chum into a small area of water between two boats and HOLY HELL PIRANHA FEEDING FRENZY. And then, it just keeps going. And going. And going and going and going. Wait until you get to about the 0:45 mark. That is too many piranhas.
NatGeo posted the video yesterday and reached out to University of Nevada, Reno biology professor Zeb Hogan for comment.
The toothy, omnivorous fish are found throughout South America, where people often wade or swim around them without being bitten, says Hogan.
“But piranhas can be dangerous if they are trapped in a backwater without food, or [are] somehow concentrated in an area and they are hungry,” he says.
I’m staying in the house from now on. Might not even run the water in the sink, just to be safe.
Via io9