What is it with Obama and British folk? For some reason, they seem to fluster him or something. Remember in 2009 when he gifted British Prime Minister Gordon Brown with a set of DVDs? I mean, you or I would probably LOVE to get a set of DVDs from the president of the United States — hell, that’d arguably be the coolest presidential gift ever! But a stuffy British head of state? British aristocrats don’t watch DVDs, they’re too busy being assh*les! C’mon Barry!
And now he gone and really done it by flubbing a toast to the stupid Queen this morning and everyone’s got their royal panties in a wad about it. You have to feel sorry for the guy on this one, what with all the dumb, fancy traditions and protocols associated with the British Royal Family (DON’T LOOK THE QUEEN IN THE EYE AND DON’T GIGGLE WHEN SHE TOOTS!) But there have been other flubs on this trip to the UK as well. After the jump, video of the flubbed toast, as well as a few other hilarious gaffes from this trip sure to go down in presidential f*ck-up lore.
The aforementioned toast flub — where the Queen fires him a contempt/confusion-filled glance — leaves poor Obama holding his glass and looking so painfully out of place. Without saying a word she conveys a clear “YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO WAIT FOR THE MUSIC TO STOP, DUMMY! Duh!” message to our president. God I hate the stupid British royal family.
Look, I know 2008 was a great year for Barack Obama, but that’s no excuse for him signing the guestbook at Westminster Abbey yesterday with “2008” on the page. “2010” I can forgive — hell, I’m still doing that at times!
He got kinda pwned playing ping-pong with some British youths…
This is just all kinds of funny to me for a host of reasons and I think accurately sums up the Obamas’ trip in one photo…
Here he is looking flummoxed when meeting something called Jedward, an apparent musical group that performed for him before he delivered a speech…
Jedward performed their breakout hit, “Lipstick,” before the president gave a speech. Perhaps this is retaliation for the aforementioned DVD-gifting from a couple of years ago.
And here’s the president’s limo getting stuck on a ramp the other day in Ireland…
And, unlike her husband, the first lady does not appear to like Guinness…