No one wants to buy the Trent Richardson sex tape, so let’s think of catchy names for it

So TMZ is reporting today that the person whose shopping the Trent Richardson sex tape hasnt received any offers so unfortunatly it doesn’t look like it will ever see the light of day. The tape that allegedly exists and is real apparently shows the Indy backup doing his impression of the Colts mascot from the waste down with three girls, and really shoudnt be that tough to find a buyer. In My Opinion,, this should of been a easy sell and most likley wasn’t marketed correctly. You have to have a catchy name to get a buzz going out there so lets try to help whoevers selling it think of some good titles. The folks at KSK along with my colleages on Twitter pitched in to help me with some ideas feel free 2 add your own.

  • The Hard Yards
  • Hole Tide
  • Midseason Bust
  • Come Back Player of the Year
  • 3 girls, 1 YPC
  • The BrownsStar
  • Next Man Up
  • Force In Inches
  • You Don’t Want To Know What Happens at the Bottom of the Pile, Folks
  • 2 Minute Drill
  • Luck, Be a Lady
  • RB Sanwiches with Horsey Sauce
  • Colt 45”
  • This is a tape of Trent Richardson haveing sex pls buy it I dont have another job
  • You Won’t Believe What This NFL Running Back Does To These Three Women, But It Will Warm Your Heart and There Chests Too
  • Log Jam In The Backfield
  • Tip Drill
  • In Diana Colt
  • Scatback

And if Josh Cribbs is looking for a sex tape name 2 jumpstart his career, this ones on the house:

The Cleveland STeamer