If anyone was wondering, 84-year-old Pat Robertson still has no clue how homosexuality works. In response to a woman who wrote in to his show to ask about her church’s odd practices against fraternizing with fellow church members — thereby enforcing a rule that one must only date people from outside of the church, narrowing the odds of finding a spouse — Robertson naturally correlated the situation to homosexuality. Because we all know how much Pat Robertson loves talking about gay sex!
“You know, those who are homosexual will die out because they don’t reproduce. You have to have heterosexual sex to reproduce,” he opined. “Same thing with that church— it’s doomed, it’s going to die out because it’s the most nonsensical thing I’ve heard in a long time.”
Pat Robertson does realize, doesn’t he, that nobody thinks gay babies are made when a daddy and another daddy love each other very much, and one daddy puts his pee pee into the other daddy’s bee-hole. Thankfully heterosexual sex is still capable of producing plenty of homosexual babies.