People Were Tricked Into Sharing This Photo Of A Dog With Ham On Its Face For The Dumbest Reason

Here is a picture of a dog with ham on its face. There is no debating this fact. Picture = dog + face + ham. The image was shared to Facebook last week by a guy named Stephen Roseman, who — clearly wanting to gauge the stupidity of the internet — wrote that the dog had been “badly burned and disfigured trying to save his family from a house fire,” suggesting that people offer their prayers in “like” and share form, with the equivalent: “One like = one prayer; One share = ten prayers.”

And because a fool and their internet dignity are soon parted, people shared it. They shared the hell out of it. At the time of this writing, the photo has amassed more thanĀ 55,000 likes and 110,000 shares. At this point, people are probably, in all likelihood, sharing it because it’s clearly a picture of a dog with ham on its face and seeing which of their friends and family are dumb enough to fall for the ruse. But there are still a lot of people taking it seriously, if some of the comments and shares are any indication.

Say hello to the most incredible thing on the internet since the great “how should a dog wear pants” debate of 2015:


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Or, on the flip side of the coin, there were the people who got that it was ham, but didn’t get it get it:

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God bless America. On the plus side, the bar has been lowered for 2016. The only way to go from here is up!

(Via BuzzFeed)