‘Perfect Dark’ Soundtrack Is Finally Available Online

As has come up before, I’m a huge soundtrack nerd. One of the problems of preserving our video game past is that music is hard to find, especially from before about 2005 or so, and if a game is anything other than a preordained massive hit, you won’t see a soundtrack anywhere. If you want the Katamari Damacy soundtrack, legally, be prepared to pay $40, minimum, to import it.

Unless, of course, the composer decides to put it up online.

Grant Kirkhope, composer of beloved Rare games like Perfect Dark and Banjo-Kazooie, has put out all the tracks for three games… and even better, they’re “pay what you want”, so you can throw him some money for his work.

It’s currently available on Kirkhope’s Bandcamp site, with multiple formats available and all 36 tracks in a pay-what-you want bundle. Kirkhope is currently updating the music to Castle of Illusion… hopefully that will be available when the game comes out.