Last week, a U.S. Airways flight from Los Angeles to Philadelphia had to make an emergency landing in Kansas City due to a large dog on the plane crapping uncontrollably, to the point that the flight crew no longer had the means to properly clean it up. Poop Cruise, meet Poop Plane! NBC10 reports:
Passengers said that the large dog went to the bathroom in the plane’s aisle as many as three times, making people nearby physically ill.
“The second time after the dog pooped they ran out of paper towels, they didn’t have anything else. The pilot comes on the radio, ‘Hey, we have a situation in the back, we’re going to have to emergency land,'” passenger Steve McCall told Inside Edition.
Thankfully, one good Samaritan was aboard the plane to live tweet the series of events. You know, for historical preservation.
Delayed on Tarmac. Guy across aisle has decided his business call is important enough for everyone in 4 row vicinity to hear. Yes Bluetooth
— Chris Law (@ChrisLaw) May 28, 2014
And of course the Pilot just announced they spilled 1,000 gallons of fuel while filling our tank #imperfectpump
— Chris Law (@ChrisLaw) May 28, 2014
This flight is the total package.
— Chris Law (@ChrisLaw) May 28, 2014
So the full sized dog that’s on my flight, well it did what dogs do & went to the bathroom when it felt like it smack dab in middle of aisle
— Chris Law (@ChrisLaw) May 28, 2014
Can’t make this up. The dog has now shit twice. Plane is emergency landing cuz ppl are getting sick. Hazmat team needs to board @USAirways
— Chris Law (@ChrisLaw) May 28, 2014
The Proud, The Few, The @USAirways dog shit cleaning crew
— Chris Law (@ChrisLaw) May 28, 2014
RECAP: 2hr delay Tarmac w low fuel. Fuel plane but in process spill 1,000 gallons on Tarmac. Delayed more. Dog defecates 3xs Emergency land
— Chris Law (@ChrisLaw) May 28, 2014
I don’t think the dog poop was initial issue, it was more the people around getting sick, a la when Chunk ralphed over the balcony #Goonies
— Chris Law (@ChrisLaw) May 28, 2014
To be fair to the dog, the plane had also been stuck on the tarmac for two hours, and when you add on the time it takes to get through security (and I’m guessing longer with a dog) plus the six hours to fly from Los Angeles to Philly, that is kind of a long time to expect a dog to hold it’s poo. YES, I AM A POO APOLOGIST.
The a-hole who brought their dog on a cross country flight in the freaking first place, though? I probably would have murdered them with my bare hands, Viper vs. The Mountain style.
(Via Philadelphia’s NBC10)