Boston police arrested two men Saturday after they allegedly made threats over social media to those attending the Pokémon World Championships. According to a statement released over Facebook (as seen above), the Boston Police Department said they recovered multiple weapons from the suspects’ vehicle, which the suspects drove from Iowa to attend the event: “Upon execution of the warrant, detectives recovered one 12-gauge Remington shotgun, one DPMS Model AR-15 rifle, several hundred rounds of ammunition, and a hunting knife. An arrest warrant was issued for the two suspects.” Police say the suspects could not produce a license to carry the weapons.
Venue organizers originally tipped the police off to threats that the two men made to attendees over social media on Thursday. Police later arrested Kevin Norton, 18, and James Stumbo, 27, and charged them with unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful possession of ammunition, and other firearms-related charges.
The Pokémon World Championships is an invitation-only event where participants competed for $500,000 in scholarship money, according to CNN. The two suspects were originally stopped while trying to enter the event, but were initially released while officers seized their car, where they found the weapons in question.
Both Norton and Stumbo will be arraigned in Boston municipal court.
(Via Boston Police Department)