Cutting-edge adult video purveyor Pornhub is now taking a page from Domino’s Pizza by offering a brand new service that will send premium adult content right to your mobile phone, by –wait for it — simply texting an emoji. This should come as little surprise from the company that boasts past gimmicks like “porn in space” and giving away free virtual reality goggles to its users.
Pornhub explained how the new service will work in a press release on Wednesday:
Pornhub, the premier online destination for adult entertainment, announced the launch of its emoji mobile video delivery service, which sends top rated, niche specific Pornhub videos to users who have texted designated category-related emojis to a special number (1-646-760-PORN in the US, 1-855-668-PORN in Canada and +44740392PORN in the UK).
The new, free service is launching with 30 corresponding public emojis, including the eggplant emoji, which provides a link to a “big dick” video; the melon emoji, which would generate a link to a “big tit” video; and the scissor emoji, which sends a link to a video from the “lesbian” category.
On a SFW Emoji 4 Porn landing page, Pornhub has listed all 30 emojis that are currently available to the public. However, there are apparently some hidden Easter eggs users can try to discover. Here’s what they have so far:
All I know is that the little cat with hearts for eyes better deliver furries doing something perverted in costume or GTFO.
(Via Pornhub)