The trial for James Holmes, the accused perpetrator of 2012’s movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado that left 12 people dead and 70 people injured, is currently selecting its stable of jurors and, well, it’s been interesting. According to Yahoo, 9,000 people have been summoned in the largest jury pool in United States history and the crowd of thousands has been whittled down to just over 50. But some of the people who have been rejected are downright newsworthy and might be the stars of a hidden camera reality show that will premiere on FX this summer.
I’m obviously just guessing about that last part, but if anyone knows for sure what the future holds, it’s probably one of the following rejected jurors:
The psychic — One woman claimed to be a clairvoyant with the ability to see “the truth of a situation,” but promised not to use her talents as an “energy reader” and “religious science practitioner” while deciding whether or not Holmes is insane. She does not, however, believe in the death penalty as a fit punishment because death, she says, “[is] a natural part of life.” She’s not wrong.
The anime fan — Another rejected juror told lawyers that his beliefs on the death penalty were “almost entirely” informed by the anime show Death Note, which is based on a manga about a notebook once owned by a Japanese death god that a kid named Light uses to exact fatal, vigilante justice on criminals.
The zombie apocalypse prepper — A man told lawyers that he’s cool with the death penalty in the event of a zombie apocalypse because people might be “high on drugs and eating human flesh,” so of course, capital punishment.
There is always the chance that these people are lying to get out of jury duty, but why should they waste their creative talents on this? They should be hanging out together and making a web series!
Source: Yahoo!