As artsy as GTA V got up until now.
The above image is what Grand Theft Auto V usually looks like – it’s certainly a nice looking game, but not really what you’d call artsy or terribly stylish. But what if you were to remove all of Grand Theft Auto V’s textures, leaving only the bare polygons beneath?
Well, all of a sudden you have something that could hang in a gallery anywhere in the world. In fact, the following images by artist Kim Laughton are part of an exhibit called FlaNetrie, which recently opened in China. You can learn more about the exhibit here.
I have a feeling this removing textures thing could become a trend. I’d certainly be interested to see what, say, The Last of Us looks like without it’s trademark layer of grit and grime. What about your folks? What games would you like to see skinned of their textures?
via Kotaku