Residents of Southie React To Whitey Bulger’s Arrest, Confirm Greatness of ‘The Fighter’

We already know what Tommy from Quinzee thinks of Whitey Bulger’s arrest: “I can’t believe they finally gawt him! Aftah sixteen fackin’ yee-ahs, they gawt ow-ah Whitey! THE TOUGHEST FACKIN’ GANGSTAH IN THE WARLD! NO ONE DENIES THIS!” But what do the other colorful residents of Boston’s South side think about it all? sent a guy out with a camera to find out, and the people he spoke to all seem like they could have been characters in “The Fighter.” Either that movie totally nailed it or everyone in Southie is a walking stereotype.

As the site put it, the locals that were interviewed had “mixed views,” and it was nothing short of hysterical. My favorite reaction, hands down: “He was a mawbstah, but so what? Everybawdy’s got an occupation.”